
Online Giving

We Give Because He Gave to Us First

We love because God first loved us. In fact, everything good that we do is because God has given to us talents, abilities, and resources. From this understanding that everything good first came from our Heavenly Father we encourage tithing, which the Bible talks about both in the Old and New Testaments. The word “tithe” simply means “tenth” which we understand as a tenth of our income. When we tithe it is a form of worship as we put God first in our lives. By giving to Him from the first of all we receive we honor Him for how He has blessed and provided for us. People report miracles of provision, healing, restoration, and more when they decide to make tithe a priority and even a core value in their lives. We want to give you the opportunity to invest into all that God is doing in and through TrueNorth Ministries.

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